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Bâtiment des Forces motrices, Genève
This beautiful Beux-Arts facility was built between 1883 and 1892 on the Rhône in Geneva, in order to keep under control the river level and provide drinkable water and electricity to houses and industries. The BFM was equipped with 18 groups of pumps and turbines. It operated until the 1960s, when factories started moving to the outskirts of Geneva. In 1997, it was reopened as a theatre and performance hall under the name "Salle Théodore Turrettini", in honor of the engineer and councilor who designed the BFM.
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Jacopo Ibello
Tous photos dés:Jacopo Ibello - anzeigen
Date d'ajout:19 Mar 2014
Dimensions:1200 x 720 pixels
Affichées:6593 fois
Favoris:Ajouter aux favoris


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