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Kozienice power plant
View of Kozienice power plant at Vistula river at evening. With 11 units and total output around 4 gigawatts Kozienice is the largest hard coal fueled power plant and second biggest power station in Poland. The 1075 MW supercritical unit no. 11 with (on right side) was opened in 2017 and it's the largest single power generation facility in polish power industry. The cooling tower of unit no. 11 is 185 metres tall.
Informations sur l'image
Photographe:Lukasz Wiewiora
Tous photos dés:Lukasz Wiewiora - anzeigen
Date d'ajout:14 Mar 2023
Dimensions:1024 x 683 pixels
Affichées:2005 fois
Favoris:Ajouter aux favoris


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